Many as 20 million Americans have gallstones, most of them do not even know they have them. These are termed silent or painless gallstones. Gallstones form when substances in bile – mainly cholesterol – harden to form crystals. In some cases, gallstones can block the normal flow of bile and cause symptoms following a fatty meal. If you suspect that you are having a gallbladder attack and are in severe gallbladder pain, especially if you also have a fever, consult your doctor immediately or go straight to the emergency room. Diet may play a role in gallstones.
List of foods that are okay:
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Whole Grains
Lean Meat, Fish and Poultry
Low-fat Dairy Foods
Olive oil
List of foods that are NO okay:
Refined Carbohydrates
High-fat Foods
Canned Fruits and Vegetables
White Flour Foods
Overly Spiced and Salted foods
Too Fat Dairy Foods
Ice cream

credit: Keith Roper
Tags: cholesterol, diet, Eat, food, Foods, gallbladder, gallbladder diet, gallstone, Gallstones, Gallstones diet, Not, You
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Weimaraners are great and versatile dogs, perfect for show, field, obedience, pointing, tracking and agility. Weimaraners actually first originated from the German city of Weimar back in the nineteenth century. They was originally developed for hunting, The mature male Weimaraner is 25 to 27 inches at the withers, bitches are 23 to 25 inches in height. Adults typically weigh 65 to 80 pounds. The Weimaraner dogs have coats that range in colors from light browns, silvers, and silvery blues. They live generally between 11 and a half to 14 years.

credit: Pedro Lozano

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credit: Renee V

credit: placid casual

credit: Renee V

credit: Renee V

credit: Renee V

credit: Renee V

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Tags: blue weimaraner, dog, dog training, for, green eyes, Greydog, Right, training weimaraners, Weimar Pointer, Weimaraner, weimaraner dog, weimaraner facts, weimaraner photos, weimaraner puppy, You
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Smoking is a global problem. Common fact about smoking is that it can cause not only lung cancer, but it can also cause many other diseases and illnesses like heart disease and stroke. Cigarettes contain arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, hydrogen cyanide, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia and other known carcinogens. Research declares that smoking reduces life expectancy by seven to eight years. Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 5 million deaths per year. The tobacco industry is one of the biggest in the world market. The American brands Marlboro, Kool, Camel and Kent own roughly 70% of the global cigarette market. 10 million cigarettes are sold every minute, that’s around 15 billion daily.

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Tags: anti smoking, briquet, cigaret, Cigarette, cigarreta, Fire, Kills, lighter, portrait, prohibit, Safeway, Slowly, smoke, SmokeBreak, Smoking, smoking effects, smoking facts, smoking quit, smoking risks, stop smoking, tobacco, You
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This guy capture Hyena cubs and train them, but they’re wild animals. I don`t think than he can train them to protect and guard. They could really hurt some one (including the owner). Adults measure 95.0—165.8 cm in body length, and have a shoulder height of 70.0–91.5 cm. Spotted hyenas in Zambia, with males weighing on average 67.6 kg (149 lb), and females 69.2 kg (153 lb).

Tags: africa, afrika, amboseli, animal, brown heyna, facts, gnawing, Good, GuardDog, hunt, hunting, hyaena, hyaenidae, Hyena, hyenas, kenya, Kill, Men, national park, Nigerian, pet, pictures, puppy, safari, serengeti, skull, spotted hyena, tanzania, Want, Wildlife, You
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The puffer fish has enough poison, which is more powerful than cyanide, to kill up to 30 people, Fugu\’s poison can lead to instantaneous deaths of diners. It should be prepared incorrectly. Only licensed cooks are allowed to prepare this delicacy and they must have to special license after ending two-year course. The puffer fish is prepared alive. it should still be twitching on the hot plate. This yummie food becomes you a pretty expensive. The average price of a fugu dinner is about $300 per person in U.S. One meal can cost $100 to $200 per person at a famous restaurant in Japen. But there are economy fugu dishes (from $15 to $20) available at some restaurants.

Tags: aka, blow fish, blowfish, Can, Cooking, dishes, fish, fishfugu, food, Food-Culture, Fugu, fugu fish, hotpot, Ingredients, Japan, japan food, Japanese, Japanese-Food, Kill, Market, Nabe, poisson, Puffer fish, Pufferfish, river pig, street-food, sushi, Tetrodotoxin, You, yummie. restaurant
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Top fashion designers made dresses out of trash, recycling old packaging, cans, newspapers and more, proving waste can be made in to striking fashion with the right touch.

Tags: are, clothes, clothes for you, clothes made, Clothes Made of Garbage, designers, Dress, Fashion, Garbage, How, know, Made, make your clothes, really, recycling, recycling clothes, Trash, wholesale, You
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The exotic cars and the trailer all wrapped like a taxi. About millions dollars between cars.
Mercedes Benz SLR McLaren
Ferrari 458
Lamborghini LP640
Porsche 997 carrera
Chevy camaro

Tags: Before, Get, Insurance, Seat, Supercar, Take, Taxi, You
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