The President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States of America. Following list of U.S. Presidents is sorted sorted chronologically. Here are some funny pictures of the most famous US Presidents.

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

Theodore Roosevelt

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Ronald Reagan

George Bush

Barack Obama
Chronological list of US Presidents
George Washington (1789-1797)
John Adams (1797-1801)
Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)
James Madison (1809-1817)
James Monroe (1817-1825)
John Quincy Adams (1825-1829)
Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)
Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)
William Henry Harrison (1841)
John Tyler (1841-1845)
James K. Polk (1845-1849)
Zachary Taylor (1849-1850)
Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)
Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)
James Buchanan (1857-1861)
Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865)
Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881)
James A. Garfield (1881)
Chester Arthur (1881-1885)
Grover Cleveland (1885-1889)
Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893)
Grover Cleveland (1893-1897)
William McKinley (1897-1901)
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909)
William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929)
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)
Harry S Truman (1945-1953)
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)
John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
Gerald Ford (1974-1977)
Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George Bush (1989-1993)
Bill Clinton (1993-2001)
George W. Bush (2001-2009)
Barack Obama (2009-present)
Credit: DonkeyHotey
Tags: Abraham Lincoln, american presidency, Barack Obama, caricature, Caricatures, cartoon caricature, Funny, george w bush, George Washington, greatest us presidents, list american presidents, list of presidents, order of us presidents, Presidents, presidents united states, presidents usa list, Ronald Reagan, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, us presidency, us presidents, usa presidents
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