The famous F1 team sponsor has also put its name to soapbox racing. Red Bull Soapbox Race is an international event in which amateur drivers race homemade soapbox vehicles. Racers compete against the clock in a downhill race. Each hand-made machine is fuelled by nothing but sheer courage, the force of gravity and perhaps a little Red Bull.
credit: nubigena
Tags: 2013, acid wars, Box, Bull, deutschland, fun car, germany, red, red bull, red bull event, red bull racing, red bull X-treme, redbull, redbull race, Sebastian, Sebastian Vettel, Soap, soapbox, soapbox vehicles, Vettel, X-treme car, X-treme race
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This cool paper model robot is easy to build using items found around you at home. You do not need special skills or experience with a paper and the result looks great. For building your own paper robots, you can use a kit in various design. Just print and build out of paper. Here are some very cool paper robots.
credit: melixh08
credit: minh09DTH4
credit: brierea
credit: bongo116
credit: brierea
credit: SexyNujitsu
credit: brierea
credit: brierea
credit: Mellow916
credit: brierea
credit: SeductiveBaz
Tags: Box, box paper, box robot, build a robot, cardboard box robot love, Funny, humanoid robot, Models, packaging boxes, Paper, paper box, paper robot, retail boxes, Robot, robot box, robot boxes, robot kits, robot models, robot online, toy robot
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