Sedov – The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship


The world’s biggest sailing ship is called Sedov and is a three-masted barque. Sedov was built in Germany in 1921, but came into the possession of the Soviet government in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War.

Ship Type: Sailing vessel
Year Built: 1921
Length x Breadth: 115 m X 14 m
Height of masts: 58 m
Quantity of sails: 33 st.
Gross Tonnage: 3432
DeadWeight: 1171 t
Speed recorded (Max / Average): 11.3 / 10.4 knots
Crew: 70
Cadets: 164

sedov Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: Bruno Girin

sedov1 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: jphintze

sedov2 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: phintze

sedov3 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: m.prinke

sedov4 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: m.prinke

sedov5 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: jphintze

sedov6 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: yetdark

sedov7 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: midom

sedov8 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: yetdark

sedov9 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship


sedov10 Sedov   The Worlds Biggest Sailing Ship

credit: Dada Priyatosh

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