WEST POINT, in southeast New York State, is the site of the U.S. Military Academy, founded 1802. The academy, located in Orange County, sits on scenic high ground overlooking the Hudson River, 50 miles (80 km) north of New York City. Academy\’s mission is to educate, train and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the nation as an officer in the United States Army.

credit: West Point – The U.S. Military Academy
Tags: Academy, Alumni, military, Military Academy, point, The U.S., U.S., West, west-point
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The U.S. Army Europe Best Warrior Competition is a weeklong event that tests Soldiers’ physical stamina, leadership, technical knowledge and skill. In this year’s competition, the competitors will move in a three-person team composed of a Soldier, NCO and officer. The teams will compete and test together, with their cooperation affecting the individual scores of team members.

credit: U.S. Army Europe Images
Tags: 2015 Competition, army, Best, Best Warrior, competition, europe, U.S., us-army-europe, Warrior
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Who has an excellent chance of winning the 2012 Election. Thanks to some key indicators, and despite fluctuating approval ratings is still ahead democrat Barrack Obama that hold the office of President of the United States. 3D Republican Elephant and Democratic Donkey icons are not an official Democratic or Republican Party logos or icons. These images have been created for general use to illustrate editorial content about politics and the 2012 elections in the United States of America.

credit: DonkeyHotey
Tags: 2012, 2012 result, Barack Obama, democratic logo, Election, election results, election usa, presidential campaign, republican logo, republican party, U.S., United States presidential election, us election, us election 2012, Who, Win
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Nuclear tests determine the effectiveness and explosive capability of nuclear weapons. Most nations that have developed nuclear weapons have tests of them. Nuclear testing has often been used as presentation of scientific and military strength. There are two types of bombs which release energy from the nuclei of atoms. The simplest kind is an atomic bomb. It releases great quantities of energy through a process called nuclear fission. It is a large unstable (radioactive) element like uranium or plutonium. Another type is the hydrogen bomb, or thermonuclear bomb, which releases an even greater quantity of energy through nuclear fusion.

Trinity Test, July 16, 1945 – Worlds first atomic bomb detonation at Trinity site in the southern New Mexico

Little Boy unit, August, 1945 – The bomb that was dropped in Hiroshima

Nagasaki, August 9, 1945 – Aerial view of Nagasaki before the bombing

Nagasaki, August 9, 1945 – Aeriel view of Nagasaki after the bombing

Nagasaki, August 9, 1945 – Atomic bombing of Nagasaki

Nevada The XX-34 BADGER explosion, April 18, 1953 – Operation Upshot-Knothole

Bikini Atoll, Marshal Islands, March 1, 1954 – Operation Castle, the first deployed U.S. thermonuclear bomb

Eniwetok Atoll, U.S., June 8, 1958 – Hardtack Umbrella underwater nuclear test

Sedan Plowshare Crater, 1962 – Operation Plowshare. The 104 kiloton blast displaced 12 million tons of earth and created a crater 320 feet deep and 1,280 feet wide

Storax Sedan, July 6, 1962 – used for a crater experiment. 6 July 1962 (GMT), Nevada Test Site – Yield: 104 kt.

Blaneberry – December 18, 1970 – Operation Emery, underground nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site – Yield: 10kt
images by U.S Government
Tags: atomic bomb, Bomb, Goverment, Government, hydrogen bomb, Nagasaki, Nuclear, nuclear accidents, nuclear bomb, Nuclear Explosions, nuclear fusion, nuclear news, nuclear power, nuclear power plant, nuclear powers, nuclear testing, Nuclear Tests, nuclear waste, nuclear weapons, Testing, Trinity, U.S Government, U.S., what is nuclear
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