Space Needle aka Seattle Center was designed for the 1962 World’s Fair.
Height: 158 m(518 ft.)
Footprint: 36.6 x 36.6 m (120 x 120 ft.)
Stories: 60
Cost: $4.5 million (1962)
Materials: Steel, Concrete and Glass
Architect: John Graham & Associate
Observation Deck Admission
Regular: $19
Youth (ages 4-12): $12
Child (age 3 & under): Free
Senior (ages 65+): $17
Day & Night Admission
Regular: $26
Youth (ages 4-12): $17
Senior (ages 65+): $24
Opening Hours:
Observation Deck & SpaceBase Retail Store
Monday – Thursday 9:30am – 11:00pm
Friday & Saturday 9:00am – 11:30pm
Sunday 9:00am – 11:00pm


credit: David Schwab

credit: Bernt Rostad

credit: Seattleye

credit: bterrycompton

credit: cliff1066™

credit: kevygee

credit: bterrycompton

credit: Foxtongue

credit: bterrycompton

credit: bterrycompton

credit: bterrycompton

credit: i eated a cookie

credit: Ospreye

credit: tuey
Tags: Color photography, Futuristic, goseattlecard, Needle, Nighttime, observation deck, opening hours, Pacific Northwest, Panorama, pictures, prices, Revolving Restaurant, Seattle, seattle space needle, Seattle Travel, Seattle Worlds Fair, seattlewashington, Space, space needle, Urban scenes
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They were once found all over Australia, but are now found only in Tasmania. Devils are black with a white mark on the chest and rump, and look similar to a medium sized solid dog. Adult males are usually larger than adult females. Large males weigh up to 12 kg, and stand about 30 cm high at the shoulder. They could run about 13 kilometres per hour.
Type of Animal: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average lifespan: Up to 5 years
Size: 51 to 79cm (20 to 31 in)
Weight: 4 to 12 kg (9 to 26 lbs)

credit: NQ8RLGDVUI

credit: keeganchitwoo

credit: Big_Tazze

credit: gopdogg

credit: birdwoman95

credit: NigelWaring

credit: pap54321

credit: sparkle_sparkle_sparkle

credit: eybygum

credit: Kari884

credit: alwinenquirine

credit: gracietesousa
Tags: animal, australia animals, australia zoo, australien, Cancer, Devil, information, looney tunes, Nighttime, predators, Sarcophilus harrisii, Scavenger, tageszeitung, tasmania devil, Tasmanian, tasmanian devil cartoon, tasmanian devil facts, tasmanian devil pictures, tasmanian devils, TAZ, taz tasmanian devil, the tasmanian devil
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