The thorny devil, also known as Thorny Lizard or the Moloch Horridus. It is best known for having an extremely spiky looking appearance. It is covered by hard sharp spines to dissuade predators by making it difficult to swallow. It lives only in Australia in the arid scrub and desert. It has a false head on its back that it use it when it feels threatened. It lowers its head between its front legs, and only the false head is visible.
Latin Binomial Name: Moloch Horridus
Type: Reptile
Diet: Omnivore
Size: 15-20cm (5.9-8in)
Weight:70-95g (2.5-3.4oz)
Top Speed: 60km/h (37mph)
Life Span: 12-20 years
credit: SouthernAnts
credit: luke.fabish
credit: Koala:Bear
credit: chem7
credit: whistler1984
credit: ogwen
credit: SouthernAnts
credit: Eulinky
credit: krossbow
credit: Russell C
credit: TreyDanger
Tags: agama, australia, australian agama, australian animals, australian fauna, australian wildlife, Devil, Horned Lizard, Lizard, lizard dragons, Looks, moloch, Moloch horridus, Nature, outback, Scary, spiny lizard, Thorny, thorny devil, thorny devils
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They were once found all over Australia, but are now found only in Tasmania. Devils are black with a white mark on the chest and rump, and look similar to a medium sized solid dog. Adult males are usually larger than adult females. Large males weigh up to 12 kg, and stand about 30 cm high at the shoulder. They could run about 13 kilometres per hour.
Type of Animal: Mammal
Diet: Carnivore
Average lifespan: Up to 5 years
Size: 51 to 79cm (20 to 31 in)
Weight: 4 to 12 kg (9 to 26 lbs)
credit: NQ8RLGDVUI
credit: keeganchitwoo
credit: Big_Tazze
credit: gopdogg
credit: birdwoman95
credit: NigelWaring
credit: pap54321
credit: sparkle_sparkle_sparkle
credit: eybygum
credit: Kari884
credit: alwinenquirine
credit: gracietesousa
Tags: animal, australia animals, australia zoo, australien, Cancer, Devil, information, looney tunes, Nighttime, predators, Sarcophilus harrisii, Scavenger, tageszeitung, tasmania devil, Tasmanian, tasmanian devil cartoon, tasmanian devil facts, tasmanian devil pictures, tasmanian devils, TAZ, taz tasmanian devil, the tasmanian devil
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