The Plain of Jars in central Laos is one of most mysterious and misunderstood places. It is a large area extending around Phonsavan from the southwest to the northeast. One of the most bizarre archaeological collections, appearing in clusters and ranging from a single jar to several hundred. These containers were created by a people of a megalithic iron-age culture and probably served as burial urns. The jars have been fashioned from solid stone, most from a tertiary conglomerate known as molasse and a few from granite. They are huge, up to nine feet tall, the largest weighing 14 tons.

credit: Peverus

credit: damien_farrell

credit: Carrie Kellenberger I globetrotterI

credit: magical-world

credit: Mr ATM

credit: Prince Roy

credit: masterplaan

credit: Prince Roy

credit: John Pavelka

credit: John Pavelka

credit: John Pavelka

credit: John Pavelka

credit: John Pavelka
Tags: archaeological landscape, Hai Hin Lat Khai, Jars, Landscapes, laos, laos travel, Mysterious, Northern Laos, Plain, plain jars, Ponsavon, tourism information, Travel Guide, World Heritage, World trip
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Chichen Itza is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and best restored of Yucatan Maya archaeological sites. It is located on Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula about 50 miles inland south of the Caribbean coastline, and about 125 kilometres west of Cancun and Cozumel. It represents the remains of one of the largest and most powerful city states of the pre-Columbian Americas. The site is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. For entrance you have to pay 125 pesos of tax for Adult and 57 pesos for ticket.

credit: Redeo
Tags: cancun chichen itza, Chichen, chichen itza, columbian city, Itza, maya civilization, maya history, Maya lowlands, maya pyramid, maya ruins, Mayan, mayan chichen itza, Mexico, Mysterious, Ruins, temple of warriors, tinum, yucatan, yucatec Maya
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The Catacombs of Paris have been created at the end of the 18th century. In the 1800’s in Paris the cemeteries were overflowing with dead bodies and had become the origin of infection for all the inhabitants. After multiple complaints, the Council of State, by decision of November 9, 1785, pronounced the removal. Beneath the streets were old stone quarries where they had mined stone to build the houses of Paris. So they decided to dig up the overflowing cemeteries and take the bones down into the caverns under the streets and create ossuaries of the the thousands of bones.

credit: waywuwei
Tags: catacombes paris, Catacombs, catacombs paris, CatacombsOfParis, france, municipal Ossuary, Mysterious, Paris, paris france, paris sightseeing, paris tours, paris travel, visit paris, Wall of the dead, Zuiko 14-54mm f2.8-3.5
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Stonehenge is a Neolithic and Bronze Age stone monument located on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. The stonehenge as we see it nowadays was completed about 3500 years ago, but the first mention of it was recorded 3000 years BC. Stonehenge is owned by the government and managed by English Heritage. The structure has fascinated people for centuries, and there are many theories to what purpose it was built. Three separate cultures are believed to have built Stonehenge for both astrological and ceremonial purposes. it consists of 35 paces across and 162 stones. The circular stone structure stands in a 320 feet hinge. There were two types of stones used in this construction. The bluestones weights about four tons and the Sarsen stones about twenty-five tons.

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credit: seto.wm

credit: Eduardo Hulshof

credit: steve p2008

credit: laszlo-photo

credit: Adriano Aurelio Araujo

credit: Waaghals

credit: nyaa_birdies_perch

credit: HBarrison

credit: Hardo
Tags: England, english heritage, london, london to stonehenge, megaliths, Mysterious, Neolithic monument, Stonehenge, stonehenge facts, stonehenge location, stonehenge tours, stonehenge uk, uk, united kingdom, Welcome, where is stonehenge, who built stonehenge, WHS
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