1 Etta James (74y Singer)
2 Robin Gibb (63y Bee Gee)
3 Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi (60y Lockerbie Bomber)
4 Ronnie Biggs (83y Ambassador)
5 Harper Lee (86y Author)
6 Oscar Niemeyer (105y Architect)
7 Tony Martin (99y Crooner)
8 Erich Priebke (99y Nazi)
9 Eli Wallach (97y Actor)
10 Kirk Douglas (96y Actor)
The Death List, one of the most popular list on internet, The list is drawn up to comprise the celebrities thought, in the opinion of the DeathList committee, most likely to expire during 2012. The basic rules are that candidates must be famous in their own right such that their death is expected to be reported by the UK media, however they cannot be famous purely for the fact they are likely to expire shortly. To see full ranking and credit deathlist.net
Etta James credit: familymwr
Robin Gibb credit: Marc van der Chijs
Oscar Niemeyer credit: AA©cio Neves
Eli Wallach credit: WEBN-TV
Kirk Douglas credit: classic film scans