The 22-story Falcon 9 lifted off from SpaceX’s Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. carrying the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite on SpaceX’s first deep space mission. Falcon 9 is a family of launch vehicles designed and manufactured by SpaceX, headquartered in Hawthorne, California. The family consists of the Falcon 9 v1.0, Falcon 9 v1.1, and the Falcon 9-R. Both stages of this two-stage-to-orbit vehicle are powered by rocket engines that burn liquid oxygen and rocket-grade kerosene propellants.

credit: Official SpaceX Photos
Tags: Air Force Station, Cape Canaveral, Climate Observatory, complex, deep space, Falcon, Falcon 9, from, Launch, lifted, lox, off, SpaceX
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This hospital complex was designed by architect Heino Schmieden and built in 1898 in the Southwest portion of Berlin near the city of Potsdam. Originally built as a tuberculosis sanatorium this massive complex was converted into a military hospital during World War I by the German Imperial Army. In 1945, after the defeat of Nazi Germany, the German nation was divided in two. At this point in history the USSR took control of the facility turning it into a Soviet military hospital. Even after the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990 the Soviet Army remained in control of the hospital until 1995. Some sections of the hospital remain in operation as a neurological rehabilitation center and as a center for research and care for victims of Parkinsons disease. The remainder of the complex, including the surgery, the psychiatric ward, and a rifle range, was abandoned in 2000.

credit: Moisturizing Tranquilizers
Tags: Abandoned, abandoned hospital, abandoned place, beelitz-heilstatten, BeelitzHeilstatten, complex, ghost town, Hospital, miliatary hospital, parkinson, soviet army
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The Office Complex was designed by J. Mayer H Architects. The design for the office building is the result of a limited competition by the investor Cogiton in 2006. The facade is mentioned as the answer to the unique context which is situated at the intersection between the Hamburg’s lively downtown and its urban landscape rich in water and mature trees. Here are some images of the an der alster 1 project.

credit: andrewarchy
Tags: alster hamburg, alster hotel, an der alster, An der Alster 1, an der alster 1 hamburg, Architecture, Building, complex, der Alster, Extravagant, germany, Glass, Hamburg, hamburg aussenalster, J. Mayer, Office, Office Complex, office job, Water, wide angle
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The Very Large Array also called VLA consists of 27 radio antennas in a Y-shaped configuration on the Plains of San Agustin, New Mexico. The radio antennas are massive (230-ton) and each 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter. The scientific beauty of the array is that the antennas act as one. The VLA can cover frequencies between 0.073 and 50 GHz, and wavelengths between 400 and 0.7 centimeters. The VLA stands at an elevation of 6970 ft (2124 m) above sea level. It is a component of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). The total cost of the VLA was $78,578,000 dollars in 1972.

credit: Caveman Chuck Coker

credit: karenandbrademerson

credit: Pinchof 2.0

credit: mbeldyk

credit: douglemoine

credit: C. G. P. Grey

credit: C. G. P. Grey

credit: Accretion Disc

credit: karenandbrademerson

credit: karenandbrademerson

credit: feverblue

credit: thetorpedodog

credit: mightyohm

credit: Tim Brown Architects

credit: C. G. P. Grey
Tags: antenna, Astronomical, astronomy, complex, frequencies, frequency, ghz, Giant, mhz, National, new mexico, NM, nrao, Observatory, Radio, radio astronomy observatory, san augustin, san augustin plain, telescopes, Very Large Array, VLA, vla tour
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