The Seven-coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius


This world famous attraction is a unique volcanic geological phenomenon resulting in seven colours of earth swirled together to create a beautiful feature. This small area of strikingly bare landscape showing well-developed rills and various shades of red, brown, violet, green, blue, purple, and yellow. Chamarel rises 283 meters above sea level and is reached by a panoramic route, which cuts through the luxurious tropical forest surrounding it. There are many places to stop to admire the exquisite view and take photos.

seven colours earth The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth1 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth2 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth3 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth4 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth5 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth6 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

seven colours earth7 The Seven coloured earth of Chamarel, Mauritius

credit: Adamina

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