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Best Photos of Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park, with 236,381 un-spoiled acres, was established in 1899, 17 years before the National Park Service was formed, making it one of the oldest in the nation. Ascending to 14,410 feet above sea level, Mount Rainier stands as an icon in the Washington landscape. An active volcano, Mount Rainier is the most glaciated peak in the contiguous U.S.A., spawning six major rivers. It...

Strong Europe Tank Challenge in Germany

NATO and partner nations competed with tanks in Germany. The Strong Europe Tank Challenge is an annual training event designed to give participating nations a dynamic, productive and fun environment in which to foster military partnerships, form Soldier-level relationships, and share tactics, techniques and procedures. The third annual competition is scheduled for June 2018 and includes two newcomers:...

Mammoth Site of Hot Springs in South Dakota

The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs is an active paleontological dig site, which boasts the largest concentration of mammoth remains in the world. Current mammoth count is 61, with 58 Columbian and three woolly mammoths. Mammoths and other megafauna got trapped in a sinkhole and drown about 26,000 years ago. Their bones were buried and preserved.Paleontology is the study of pre-existing life based on fossils....