Why Does the Sky Looks Pink


Because the sun is low on the horizon and sunlight passes through more atmosphere at sunset and sunrise than during the day. More atmosphere means more molecules to scatter the violet and blue light away from your eyes. Reflected light has longer wavelengths, longer wavelengths of light shade red, thus you get the pink in the sky.

pink sky Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: merfam

pink sky1 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: joka2000

pink sky2 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: Mikael Miettinen

pink sky3 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: Care_SMC

pink sky4 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: Satoru Kikuchi

pink sky5 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: audreyjm529

pink sky6 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: Jenah Crump Photography

pink sky7 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: BineHerzog

pink sky8 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: amandabhslater

pink sky9 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: baurmurza

pink sky10 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: I’m George

pink sky11 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: rafaelpagliuca

pink sky12 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: {photonista} Rachel Hamrick

pink sky13 Why Does the Sky Looks Pink

credit: tamakisono


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