The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas


The town of Las Médulas is located in the region of El Bierzo, Leon. This small mountain town marks the natural beginning of the ascent towards Las Médulas, a unique cultural landscape that was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO. It is a historic mining site near the town of Ponferrada in the region of El Bierzo, which used to be the most important gold mine in the Roman Empire. To extract gold, the Romans built seven huge aqueducts which drew the rivers in the nearby mountains down into the mine, burying the area underwater. After two centuries of work, the Romans abandoned the site, leaving it in its current shape.

las medulas The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit: Sergio RC

las medulas1 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit: epigordito

las medulas2 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit: Trevor.Huxham

las medulas3 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas4 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas5 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas6 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas7 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas8 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas9 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas10 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas

las medulas11 The spectacular landscape of Las Medulas

credit:  Contando Estrelas


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