Most Famous Steam Train – Flying Scotsman


The Flying Scotsman was built in 1923 for the London and North Eastern Railway, and earned its name from the London to Edinburgh rail service of the day. It was designed by Sir Nigel Gresley, with the British Empire Exhibition of 1924 making it world famous. It is 70 feet long, and weighs 96 tonnes. It was the first train to officially hit 100mph in service, in 1934. HOWEVER, the City of Truro steam engine was claimed to have beat that speed earlier, hitting 102mph in 1904. It also set a record for the longest non-stop run by a steam locomotive when it ran 422 miles (679 km) on August 8, 1989 while in Australia. The Flying Scotsman retired from regular service in 1963 after covering 2,076,000 miles (3,341,000 km) but has since gained considerable fame in preservation.

flying scotsman Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman1 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman2 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman3 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman4 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman5 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman6 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman7 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman8 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

flying scotsman9 Most Famous Steam Train   Flying Scotsman

credit: cralst

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Newcastle United Stadium Tours for Fans


St. James’ Park, home to the iconic Newcastle United, is a fantastic ground to visit. Perfect for fans young and old there really is no better way to see behind the scenes whilst your knowledgeable tour guide gives you the full history of Newcastle United Stadium tours run every day at 11.30am, 12.30pm and 2.30pm. Adult tickets are £15.00, senior tickets £12.00 and junior tickets £8.00. Classic Stadium Tour lasts 90 minutes and Rooftop Tours are also 90 minutes.

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The Largest International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque


The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is a yearly festival of hot air balloons that takes place in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA during early October. The Balloon Fiesta is a nine day event, and has over 500 balloons each year. The event is the largest hot air balloon festival in the world. The azure skies above the verdant Rio Grande Valley became a surreal canvas of color during the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. This year’s festival drew pilots from 22 countries around the world.

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credit: Forsaken Fotos

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Sea to Sky Gondola Halfway Between Vancouver and Whistler


The gondola, a ski-lift-type aerial ride, takes sightseers surging up massive granite cliffs to a mountain ridge near the small town of Squamish, halfway between Vancouver and Whistler. Squamish has a complex and rich history with Canada’s First Nations population. This population is referred to today as the “Squamish Nation”, and are descendants of the Coast Salish Aboriginal Peoples who occupied and governed this region for over 10,000 years. The Sea to Sky Gondola, tourist attraction, also includes a café, several hiking and biking trails, an 836-square-metre lodge, viewing platforms and a suspension bridge the length of a football field.

Admission (Online/Ticket Window)

Adult 19 + :      $33.95/$37.95
Senior 65+ :      $31.95/$35.95
Youth 13 – 18 :      $21.95/$23.95
Child 6 – 12 :      $11.95/$13.95
Children 5 And Under :      FREE/FREE

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credit: GoToVan

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Langkawi Sky Bridge in Malaysia


It’s not a bridge to the sky, but it’s not far from the idea. The Langkawi Sky Bridge is one of the most popular attractions in Langkawi. Sky Bridge is a 125 meters curved pedestrian cable-stayed bridge, located at the peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang mountain, on Pulau Langkawi, an island in the Langkawi archipelago in Kedah, Malaysia. The bridge is suspended from a 82 meter high single pylon and hangs at about 100 meter above ground. The curving bridge deck allows visitors an intimate experience of the forest canopy and wildlife. It swings out over the landscape to give visitors a unique spatial experience and spectacular views.

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credit: dmytrok

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credit: daecon

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credit: liewcf

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credit: liewcf

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credit: liewcf

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credit: liewcf

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credit: The Dilly Lama

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credit: The Dilly Lama

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credit: DNisha

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Why Does the Sky Looks Pink


Because the sun is low on the horizon and sunlight passes through more atmosphere at sunset and sunrise than during the day. More atmosphere means more molecules to scatter the violet and blue light away from your eyes. Reflected light has longer wavelengths, longer wavelengths of light shade red, thus you get the pink in the sky.

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Perfect Gift – Hot Air Balloon Ride


Hot air balloons are based on a basic scientific principle, that warmer air rises in cooler air. It means that hot air is lighter than cool air, because it has less mass per unit of volume. The best flying weather is in the summer when the skies are clear and the winds light. A balloon flights are not cheap, but it\’s unforgettable experience in your life. It is better to take a balloon ride with friends and share the costs. Ballon offers one of the best birds eye view of your town and country.

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How to Launch Sky Flying Lanterns ?


Step by step instructions :

– Check the strenght and direction of wind before use. The lantern is large and may be blown into obstacles such as treess or buildings.
– Fill lantern with air by gently swinging the lantern in the air while holding the bamboo ring. Ensure the lantern is fully extended and upright.
– Ask a friend to light the cell while you hold the lantern upright from the top.
– The lantern will fill with hot air and become light. Continue to hold the lantern by the top and bamboo righ at the bottom untill it becomes seft supporing. You can now hold it by the bottom only.
– Once the lantern is lifting on its own, release and watch with friends as it floats away for miles.

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