Anime Revolution 2014 was a three-day convention hosted in the Vancouver Convention Center, Canada. Catering to a wide range of activities, exhibits, panels, and performances. These included art, animation, comics, costuming, cultural displays, dance, gaming, musical performances, and others. Anime is, however, more than just a cartoon to its fans. In a Japanese series, the characters traditionally have extremely large, doe-like eyes and spiky or long hair.
credit: GoToVan
Tags: 2014, Anime, Canada, Convention Centre, japan culture, Revolution, Vancouver
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Waving blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flags and the flag of Europe, demonstrators swirled in a huge mass on the cobblestone streets, but riot police in the Ukrainian capital Kiev used batons and stun grenades to disperse hundreds of pro-Europe protesters. Thousands of Ukrainian protesters called for the ouster of the prime minister and his Cabinet, as anger at the president’s decision to ditch a deal for closer ties with the European Union.
credit: Ivan Bandura
Tags: Euro Revolution in Kiev, Euromaidan riots, European Square, Glory to Ukraine!, Independence Square, Kiev, Klichko, pro-EU rally, ProEuropean, Revolution, revolution-kiev, St. Michael’s Square, tymoshenko, ukraine, Union, Viktor Yanukovich
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O.A.R. transformed itself from a group of neighborhood friends band to a chart-topper over the course of a long career. Formed in 1996 in Rockville, MD, O.A.R. coalesced around lead singer/rhythm guitarist Marc Roberge, lead guitarist Richard On, saxophonist Jerry DePizzo, bassist Benj Gershman, and drummer Chris Culos. Marc Roberge and Richard On from O.A.R. performed an acoustic set at a small exclusive event hosted by LivingSocial at their Washington DC Headquarters at 918 F Street.
credit: Matthew Straubmuller
Tags: Abstract, Acoustic Set Marc Richa, Acoustic Set Marc Richard F Street, Black Rock, DC, Duo, Living Social, LivingSocial, Matthew Straubmuller, music, O.A.R., oar, oar lyrics, oar tickets, oar tour, Of a Revolution, Revolution, Washington
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