Donald Trump
- not stereotypical RNC candidate
- financially independent
- make America great again
- traditional, religious type
- businessman not politician
- scandals
- gender discrimination
- unpredictability of behavior
Hillary Clinton
- internationally known and accepted experienced politician
- detailed platform and plan
- gender – first female president in history
- dedicated base of voters, including the black vote
- stretches the truth or obfuscates
- scandals – under investigation by the FBI
- her contempt for Working People
- Mrs. Clinton a hypocrite for denouncing women
credit: DonkeyHotey
Tags: 2016-us-presidential-election, caricature, Clinton, Cons, dnc, Donald, donald-john-trump, donald-trump, election-2016, gop, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, hillary-diane-rodham-clinton, is..., photo manipulation, political art, politics, Pros, rnc, Trump, Winner
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A caricature is a cartoon image of a person. It is a type of quickly drawn cartoon that humorously exaggerates the facial features of the person being caricatured. Caricatures can be insulting or complimentary and can serve a political purpose or be drawn solely for entertainment.
Barack Obama
Pope Francis
Hillary Clinton
John Kerry
Condoleezza Rice
George Bush
Antonin Scalia
Mitch McConnell
John Boehner
Jeb Bush
Alan Simpson
Bill de Blasio
Keith Alexander
Kelly Ayotte
Paul Ryan
Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Francois Hollande
King Abdullah
Shinzo Abe
Colin Powell
Chris Christie
Andrew Cuomo
Michael Bloomberg
credit: DonkeyHotey
Tags: Best, caricature, Caricatures, cartoon, drawn cartoon, Ever, face caricatures, face., politics
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