These sculptures were built from scrap metal, wire and reinforcement bars by sculptor Ricardo Breceda. He created all the sculptures, including life size prehistoric creatures, elephants, camels, horses, dragon … The sculptures look like a natural part of the landscape, and from a distance appear very real. This unusual tourist attraction is a desert creature park open to anyone brave enough to face the desert and the unbearable heat that comes with it.
credit: slimdandy
credit: slimdandy
credit: slimdandy
credit: slimdandy
credit: Neeta Lind
credit: Neeta Lind
credit: cloudchaser32000
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
credit: Sam Howzit
Tags: Burrego, Burrego Springs, CA, california, dennis avery, Galleta Meadows, Marvelous, Metal, ricardo berceda, scrap metal sculpture, sculpture, Sculptures, sky art, Springs
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These pieces are highly detailed, well-made, and quite a unique. It looks insanely real with its sheet metal parts and its head grinded down for a very aggressive look. Sculptures are an important form of public art which have morphed significantly over the centuries.
credit: Sids1
Tags: alien movie, Art, Auckland, Beach, bronze sculptures, Front, iron sculpture, Lifesize, Mangawhai, mangawhai heads, Metal, metal sculpture, Movie, movie sculpture, New Zealand, Northland, predator movie, sand dune, Scifi, sculpture, Sculptures, Sea, terminator film, terminator movie
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