Chateau Frontenac is an imposing building with five brick and stone wings and a central tower erected in seven stages between 1892 and 1993. It is located on a cliff overlooking the St. Lawrence River, within the Québec historic district. The original building burnt to the ground in 1834, and was not rebuilt for 60 years until the original portion of Chateau Frontenac was constructed. Nowadays, the Château Frontenac is a grand hotel in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, which is operated as Fairmont Le Château Frontenac.

credit: LWY

credit: Lima Pix

credit: Prayitno

credit: po.fortin

credit: LukeGordon1

credit: tuchodi

credit: LWY

credit: Martin Cathrae
Tags: Canada, Château, Chateau Frontenac, Fairmont, Frontenac, Haldimand, historic, hotel, Landmark, National, National Historic Site, Quebec, quebec city, Site
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Bubble Gum Alley is located in San Luis Obispo on Higuera Street. The alley is the city’s most popular unofficial landmark, It is a 15-foot (4.6 m) high and 70-foot (21 m) long alley lined with chewed gum left by passers-by. The gum started appearing on the walls in 1960. People complained but the gum kept on coming. The wall is not a random collection of gooey gums, some people in San Luis Obispo consider the wall a form of art. One can see an array of shapes, words and designs. There are faces and flowers, fraternity and sorority letters.

credit: lostintheredwoods

credit: ars5017

credit: Wen Zeng

credit: youngthousands

credit: simon.hedge

credit: youngthousands
Tags: Alley, Bubble Gum, Bubblegum, Bubblegum Alley, california, Design, Higuera St, Landmark, Luis, Obispo, San, San Luis, San Luis Obispo, unofficial landmark
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The CN Tower is Toronto’s tallest and most defining landmark. Photos of Toronto are often defined by the building, which stretches more than 550 metres into the sky. This former tallest freestanding structure on earth—is, at 1,815 feet, still one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World. The tower was constructed by Canadian National Railroad to improve television reception. Construction of the CN Tower cost CAD$63 million. The tower consists of 40,522 cubic meters of concrete, 129 km of post-tensioned steel, and 5,080 metric tons of reinforcing steel. The tower is estimated to weigh 132,080 metric tons.
Antenna: 1815 ft
Roof: 1500 ft
Top floor : 1465 ft (“Skypod”, 147 floor level)
Restaurant: 1152 ft
Observation deck: 1135 ft (“Look Out Level”, 114 floor level)
Glass floor: 1122 ft (113 floor level)

credit: leander.canaris

credit: Jason Baker

credit: Andrew Morrell

credit: richard winchell

credit: MaxGag

credit: Chris Lee

credit: Chris Lee

credit: Chris Lee

credit: Chris Lee

credit: Chris Lee

credit: Nathal

credit: MsAnthea

credit: Steve Brown

credit: MsAnthea

credit: Paulo Barcellos Jr.

credit: andrewarchy
Tags: Architecture, blue sky, Canada, cn tower, lake ontario, Landmark, Rogers Centre, Toronto, Toronto Skyline, Tower
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