The Masai Mara safari is the cheapest safari with the greatest chance to view Africa’s lion, elephant, rhino, leopard and cape buffalo. There is no better place to see the natural wonders of Africa than in the wildlife parks of Kenya. Kenya is famous as the home of the safari and was immortalised by legendary personalities such as Ernest Hemingway. Also, the classic movie Out of Africa was filmed in Kenya.

credit: Joanne Goldby
Tags: african safari, Agama Lizard, camping, cape buffalo, elephant, kenya, kenya camping safari, kenya safari, kenya safaris, leopard, Lion, Mara, Masai, Masai Mara, mombasa, rhino, safari, tourism in kenya, wild life, wild life park, wild life pictures, Wildlife, Zenra
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Kibera is the biggest slum in Kenya only 5 kilometres from the Nairobi city centre and second largest slum in Africa. Kibera houses almost 1 million of people. They occupying just 6% of the land of Nairobi but representing 60% of the city population. The average size of shack is 12ft x 12ft built with mud walls, screened with concrete, a corrugated tin roof, dirt or concrete floor. One side of Kibera parallels the railroad tracks, the other is bordered by stores in corrugated metal, barrels pounded flat.

credit: jobayley

credit: fromnairobi

credit: smcaughron

credit: bamapilot125

credit: specialk2479

credit: katempeters

credit: NoraKenya

credit: Jingle603

credit: blondatheart59

credit: specialk2479

credit: Kenya-2009
Tags: africa, africa charity, african slums, kenia, kenya, kenya nairobi, Kibera, kibera facts, kibera nairobi, kibera slum, kybera, largest slum, LIVE, map kibera, Place, poverty, Slum, where is kibera, Worst, worst place to live
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This guy capture Hyena cubs and train them, but they’re wild animals. I don`t think than he can train them to protect and guard. They could really hurt some one (including the owner). Adults measure 95.0—165.8 cm in body length, and have a shoulder height of 70.0–91.5 cm. Spotted hyenas in Zambia, with males weighing on average 67.6 kg (149 lb), and females 69.2 kg (153 lb).

Tags: africa, afrika, amboseli, animal, brown heyna, facts, gnawing, Good, GuardDog, hunt, hunting, hyaena, hyaenidae, Hyena, hyenas, kenya, Kill, Men, national park, Nigerian, pet, pictures, puppy, safari, serengeti, skull, spotted hyena, tanzania, Want, Wildlife, You
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