The 1,200 year old Minden offered a unique setting for exciting new productions of the past. Entertaining, informative and authentic history of different epochs were performed by international reenactment groups! It covered re-enactment of daily life in Mediaeval times against the backdrop of the 1200 year old Minden cathedral, a military church hospital at the time of the Battle of Minden along with historical impressions from Japan, masquerade and theatre with the Spanish historical performance group “La Tal” and etc.

Shooting demonstration

Troops Henry III.

Troops Henry III.

Troops Henry III.

Troops Henry III.



American Civil War

American Civil War

American Civil War

American Civil War

Westphalian Landwehr

Tent – 30 Years War



Historical Fashion


credit: Oliver Hallmann
Tags: 2013, American Civil War, games, gladiators, Great shot, Henry III, historic games, Historical, historical war, historical Weapons, history, history games, Islands, La Tal, Mediaeval times, minden, Mindener Zeitinseln, Mindes, perfect timing, time
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Cemetery is located in Arlington, Virginia. It honors those men and women who served in the Armed Forces. There are over 260,000 people buried in there and approximately 5,400 burials are conducted each year. Today, the National Cemetery is involved with the burial of military casualties from the Iraqi and Afghanistan war fronts. More than four million people visit Arlington each year. Open daily including December 25. April through September hours are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. October through March hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.

credit: rockinfree

credit: byggekloss

credit: aurelien

credit: dctim1

credit: dctim1

credit: dctim1

credit: rockinfree

credit: Pablo Castro G

credit: LongitudeLatitude

credit: dctim1

credit: jeri gloege

credit: dctim1
Tags: American Civil War, Arlington, arlington cemetery, Cemetery, city arlington, Memorial Amphitheater, National, National Cemetery, States, united, united states, USA, War Memorial, Washington D.C.
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