Guangzhou Circle – A Donut Skyscraper in China


The building stands tall above the Pearl River in the industrial city of Guangzhou, and the reflection of the skyscraper on the water creates a figure 8, a number and symbol highly auspicious in China. It will be used for commerce with the functions of office, research and development and logistics. At 453 feet high, the impressive 33-storey doughnut features an inner hole 164 feet in diameter. Around the void, the building has 85,000 m2 of gross space arranged over 33 above-grade floors. The first six floors house retail space, while the eighth through 30th floors are rentable office space. The 31st through 33rd floors house the headquarter offices of Hongda Xingye Group, a privately owned chemical and energy firm, and the seventh floor—directly below the void—is the trading hall for the Guangdong Plastic Exchange, an electronic stock exchange for raw plastic materials.


Official Name: Guangzhou Circle
Country: China
City: Guangzhou
Building Function: office
Structural Material:steel
Start of Construction: 2011
Completion: 2013

guangzhou circle Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit:  llee_wu

guangzhou circle1 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit:  llee_wu

guangzhou circle2 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit:  llee_wu

guangzhou circle3 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit:  llee_wu

guangzhou circle4 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit:  llee_wu

guangzhou circle5 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit: Forgemind ArchiMedia

guangzhou circle6 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit: Forgemind ArchiMedia

guangzhou circle7 Guangzhou Circle   A Donut Skyscraper in China

credit: Forgemind ArchiMedia

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