NightHawk is still flying around the Nellis Range Complex years after it’s official retirement back in 2008. The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk is a twin-engined single-seat ground-attack aircraft with stealth capability produced by the US-American manufacturer Lockheed Corporation used by the United States Air Force. It was the world\’s first operational aircraft designed to exploit low-observable stealth technology.
Technical details:
Introduced: October 1983
Retired: April 22, 2008
First flight: June 18, 1981
Crew: 1
Length: 20,09 m (65,9 ft)
Height: 3,78 m (12,4 ft)
Wing Span: 13,20 m (43,3 ft)
Speed: 1041 km/h (647 mph)
Empty Weight: 13.609 kg (30.003 lbs)
Propulsion: 2 Turbofan Engines
Engine Model: General Electric F404-GE-F1D2
Engine Power (each): 48 kN (10809 lb)
credit: mmilin32
credit: Doh Boy (Mark Holloway)
credit: TMWolf
credit: doug_wertman
credit: D’oh Boy (Mark Holloway)
credit: Doh Boy (Mark Holloway)
credit: jlantzy
credit: Arrr!
credit: Arrr!
credit: Kurisu
credit: Chris_Short
credit: Chris_Short
credit: TMWolf
credit: techno.donm
credit: MadMarlin
credit: pan.li75
credit: mashleymorgan