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Amazing Dresden – Florence at the Elbe

Dresden, located in the east of Germany, is also called “Florence at the Elbe” thanks to its idyllic location on the banks of the river. Most of the city’s well-known historic landmarks are located in the Altstadt. Although 80 percent of Dresden’s historic center was destroyed in World War II, important landmarks have been rebuilt to their former splendor. The baroque Zwinger Palace...

The Met Cloister in New York City

The Cloisters, a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. It is devoted to the art and architecture of medieval Europe. The Cloisters is located on 4 acres in Manhattan’s Fort Tryon Park, overlooking the Hudson River. Opened in 1938, this modern structure built in modified medieval style incorporates elements of five medieval buildings dating from the 12th through the 15th centuries,...